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Automated CRM Commission Tracking: Benefits & Myths

Aditya Singh Rajput
The Content Guy
Published On:
May 1, 2024

A well-maintained CRM is the bedrock of meaningful customer relationships, informed decision-making, and efficient operations, all of which tie back to higher revenue and cost efficiency for your SaaS company. 

Your CRM data plays a crucial role in driving sales as it helps your sales team identify patterns that help them close deals. Additionally, the CRM data serves as a foundation, ensuring that your sales reps are paid fairly and accurately based on the commission structure and the opportunities they’ve closed.

But, whether you use Hubspot, Salesforce, or any other CRM software, maintaining data integrity while ensuring that this data translates accurately, transparently, and in a timely fashion into sales commission payouts is easier said than done. 

According to Ray Panko, a University of Hawaii professor, on average, 88% of Excel spreadsheets have 1% or more errors in their formulas.

CRM commission tracking software is the answer to ensuring accurate, transparent, and timely commission payouts while maintaining CRM data integrity. In other words, your CRM and sales commission software should be a lot like Chandler and Joey, the duo made for each other. 


Benefits of Commission Tracking Software for Your CRM

Integrating CRM with G2 recognized sales commission management software like Visdum enhances efficiency. It automates tasks, ensures accuracy in billing and commissions, motivates your sales team, promotes transparency, and provides valuable insights for decision-making. 

It's like having a well-oiled machine that drives your sales and keeps all your sales employees happy. Let’s take a look at the key benefits in detail.

Streamlined Processes

Automation of commission calculations and tracking eliminates manual errors and reduces the time spent on administrative tasks. This streamlines the entire commissions process.

Real-Time Visibility

Integrating CRM with commission tracking provides real-time visibility into sales performance and commissions. Sales teams can access up-to-date information on their earnings and progress, fostering transparency and motivation.

Accuracy and Compliance

Automation reduces the risk of errors in commission calculations, ensuring that sales reps are accurately compensated. This also helps in maintaining compliance with company policies and regulations related to sales compensation.

Data Centralization

Having sales data and commission information in a centralized system improves data accuracy and accessibility. It eliminates the need for manual data entry across different platforms and reduces the chances of discrepancies.

Hubspot CRM Commission Tracking Software: Visdum

Improved Communication

Integration enables seamless communication between sales and finance teams. Sales reps can easily view their commissions, and finance teams can efficiently manage the payment process.

Performance Analytics

The integration allows for comprehensive analysis of sales performance alongside commission data. This helps in identifying trends, assessing the effectiveness of incentive structures, and making informed decisions for sales strategy optimization.

Enhanced Motivation and Morale

When sales reps have clear visibility into their commissions and performance metrics, it can boost motivation and morale. Knowing the direct correlation between efforts and rewards fosters a positive sales culture.

Adaptability to Changes

The flexibility of integrated systems allows for easier adaptation to changes in commission structures or sales strategies. This agility is crucial in dynamic business environments.

Customer Insights

Combining CRM data with commission tracking provides a holistic view of customer interactions and the revenue generated. This insight can inform sales strategies and help in identifying high-value customers.

Cost Savings

Automation reduces the time and resources spent on manual commission calculations, minimizing the potential for errors and the need for extensive reconciliation processes. This, in turn, can lead to cost savings for the organization.

Many organizations still rely on manual methods such as Excel spreadsheets, often overlooking critical challenges such as overpayments, shadow accounting, and operational workload. Integrating CRM with sales commissions tracking software improves efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in sales compensation processes, contributing to overall organizational success.

🔔 Also read: Calculating SaaS Sales Commissions: Why spreadsheets don't work

CRM and Sales Commission Software Integration Myths

Now that we’ve gone over the advantages of automating sales commissions in conjunction with your CRM, let’s debunk a few myths around the integration factor.

Myth #1: The setup is too complex and the implementation is long

Sales commission software integrates with HubSpot CRM or Salesforce and extracts the latest sales data from your CRM dashboard. With spreadsheets out of the picture, it’s easy to align sales, finance, and revenue operations on a single platform. 

Distribution of compensation plans is also much easier with a system that takes care of confidentiality and accuracy with respect to commission payouts.

It’s this easy. 👇

Step 1: Connect & Map Fields with a few clicks

Step #1 of integrating HubSpot CRM with Visdum

Step 2: Add Criteria & Deal Credits

Step #2 of integrating HubSpot CRM with Visdum

Step 3: Start syncing your data across both platforms

Step #3 of integrating HubSpot CRM with Visdum

Myth #2: It’s a one-size-fits-all solution and may not work for my business

Every sales commission software program is built differently. At Visdum, we are focused on solving sales commission and revenue operations bottlenecks in the SaaS industry. We’re built for SaaS, so we understand the nature of SaaS sales compensation plans. Whether you’re an early-stage startup, a mid-sized business, or an enterprise company, Visdum’s sales compensation software lets you tailor your compensation plans based on your business & sales strategy type. 

Myth #3: It’s too expensive

The cost of not having a transparent, timely, and accurate sales commissions process is far greater than the cost of a sales commissions tool. Discontented reps, logistical nightmares, and zero visibility into performance may lead to a loss of countless productive hours and ultimately revenue.

🔔 Also read: The Invisible Costs - Sales Commission Overpayments & Clawbacks

Myth #4: It only benefits internal processes, so why spend time and money on it?

Sales compensation clarity directly affects sales productivity and the way your sales team interacts with your customers, further impacting the customer experience. In fact, happy workers are 12% more productive than others. This is even more true for SaaS, where recurring revenue from existing customers takes up a huge chunk of the pie for revenue. It is vital to build the best commission plan that helps you attract and retain the best sales talent.

Myth #5: It's Only About Monetary Compensation

While sales compensation software primarily deals with monetary incentives, it can also support non-monetary rewards and recognition programs like real-time leaderboards. This can include leaderboard tracking and other non-cash rewards to motivate sales teams. Sales teams are known to thrive on competition, which fuels sales motivation.

🔔 Also read: Keep Your Sales Team Motivated With a Leaderboard

In conclusion

Integrating your CRM and Sales Commission Software is crucial for your SaaS business's success. This partnership boosts efficiency, accuracy, and motivation while also enhancing transparency and providing valuable data insights. Don't let myths deter you; it's a worthwhile investment that directly affects the performance and customer perception of your business. 

Sales Commissions Management with Visdum & HubSpot CRM Integration

Are you a HubSpot CRM user facing challenges with managing sales commissions? We understand the struggle. HubSpot CRM is excellent for managing customer relationships but lacks built-in tools for sales commission management. This is where Visdum steps in to fill that gap.

Sync Sales Data Effortlessly

Connect your HubSpot CRM with Visdum to keep your sales commission information automatically updated. Say goodbye to manual spreadsheet work and enjoy a streamlined, real-time view of your sales data.

Customize to Fit Your Goals

With Visdum, you can tailor your sales strategies right within HubSpot. Set up sales contests, bonuses, and more to keep your team driven and focused.

Bring Your Sales Team Together

Visdum integrates with HubSpot CRM to help unite your team under common sales targets, making it easier to hit those goals.

Certified by HubSpot, Trusted by You

As a HubSpot-certified tool, Visdum guarantees a reliable and effective solution for managing your sales commissions. Trust in a tool that's designed to complement and enhance your HubSpot experien​ce.

Ready to See the Difference? 

Schedule a demo today and discover why Visdum is the best HubSpot-certified sales commission software for your business.

Ready to Optimize Your SaaS Sales Compensation?

Unlock the potential of your SaaS sales team with Visdum, the ultimate sales compensation software tailored exclusively for SaaS businesses.


What is the easiest way to track commissions?

The easiest way to track commissions is through dedicated commission tracking software. These tools are specifically designed to automate the process, making it efficient and accurate. Commission tracking software often integrates with CRMs and other business systems, providing real-time insights into sales performance and commissions. This approach eliminates manual errors and streamlines the entire commission management process, making it easy for both sales representatives and management to track earnings and performance.

Can HubSpot track commissions?

HubSpot, a popular CRM platform, doesn't have built-in commission tracking features. However, HubSpot is known for its flexibility and integrations. While HubSpot itself may not track commissions, you can explore third-party integrations through apps like Visdum on the HubSpot App Marketplace that specialize in commission tracking. These integrations can extend HubSpot's functionality to include commission tracking based on your specific business needs.

Can you track commissions in Salesforce?

Yes, you can track commissions in Salesforce. Salesforce is a highly customizable CRM platform, and it offers the flexibility to create custom objects, fields, and workflows to manage commission-related data. Many organizations use Salesforce for commission tracking by building custom solutions tailored to their specific requirements. Additionally, there are third-party apps available on the Salesforce AppExchange like Visdum that focus on commission tracking and management, providing additional features and functionalities.

What is commission tracking software?

Commission tracking software is a specialized tool designed to automate and streamline the process of calculating, managing, and tracking sales commissions. These software solutions often integrate with CRMs, accounting systems, or other business applications to gather relevant sales data. Key features typically include automated commission calculations, real-time reporting, and dashboards for sales representatives and managers. Commission tracking software aims to improve accuracy, transparency, and efficiency in the commission management process for businesses of all sizes.

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