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What is Sales Commission Plan: A Deep Dive

Aditya Singh Rajput
The Content Guy
Published On:
June 12, 2024

Sales commission plans are a crucial component of any company's sales strategy, serving as a comprehensive framework that outlines how sales professionals are compensated for their efforts in driving revenue. 

This guide will break down the key elements of an effective sales commission plan, from commission rates to payment frequency and everything in between. 

Whether you're a salesperson looking to excel under your current plan or a manager aiming to build one for your team, these insights will help unlock the secrets to commission success.

What is a Sales Commission Plan? 

A sales commission plan is a comprehensive framework that outlines how sales professionals will be compensated for their efforts in driving sales and revenue for the company. 

It serves as a guide for both sales teams and management, detailing the structure, terms, and conditions of the commission-based compensation.

Are you new to the world of sales compensation or looking to refresh your knowledge of the basics? 

Our blog post, "What is Sales Commission Plan: The Basics," is the perfect starting point.

Components of Effective and Successful Sales Commission Plans

A well-designed sales commission plan consists of several essential components that work together to motivate and reward sales performance. These include:

Commission Rate

This is the percentage or fixed amount, paid to the salesperson for each sale. It can vary based on factors such as the type of product or service, sales volume, or the strategic importance of the sale.


If the commission rate is 10%, and a salesperson closes a deal worth $5,000, their commission would be $500 (10% of $5,000).

Payment Frequency

This outlines how often commissions are calculated and paid out, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually.


If the payment frequency is monthly, a salesperson would receive their commissions at the end of each month.

Qualifying Sales

Defines what constitutes a qualifying sale that is eligible for commission. This could include criteria such as a completed transaction, payment receipt, or delivery confirmation.


If commissions are only paid for closed deals, a salesperson wouldn't earn commission on leads or prospects that don't convert to actual sales.

Targets and Thresholds

Sets specific sales goals or thresholds that must be met or exceeded to earn commissions. It encourages salespeople to strive for higher performance.


If a salesperson must achieve $100,000 in sales to qualify for a bonus, surpassing this target could result in additional incentives.

Cap on Earnings

Specifies any maximum limit on the commission earnings over a defined period. This prevents excessive payouts and ensures financial predictability for the company.


If a salesperson has a monthly cap of $10,000, they won't earn more than this amount in commissions within that month.

Decelerators and Accelerators

Conditions under which commission rates decrease (decelerators) or increase (accelerators), such as underperformance or surpassing targets.


An accelerator may increase the commission rate for sales exceeding $50,000, while a decelerator may reduce commissions for sales below a certain threshold.

Clawback Provisions

Conditions under which the company can reclaim paid commissions, such as in the case of client contract cancellations or returns.


If a client cancels a contract within a specified period, the salesperson may need to return the commission earned from that deal.

An effective and successful sales commission plan is one that strikes a balance between motivating sales teams, aligning with business goals, and ensuring fair compensation for efforts. 

Understanding how these components interact is key to designing a plan that strikes the right balance between motivating sales teams and aligning with broader business objectives. 

Next, let's look at an example to see how these elements come together in practice.

A Sample Sales Commission Plan

To illustrate how the different components of a sales commission plan work together, consider the fictional example of Amy, a software sales representative:

1. Commission Rate:

Imagine a software sales representative, Amy, with a commission rate of 8%. If Amy successfully sells a software subscription for $10,000, her commission would be $800 (8% of $10,000).

2. Payment Frequency:

Amy's company follows a monthly payment frequency. This means that at the end of each month, Amy receives her commissions based on the sales she made during that period.

3. Qualifying Sales:

Commissions are granted for completed sales. If Amy secures a deal and the client pays for the software subscription, that transaction qualifies for commission.

4. Targets and Thresholds:

The company sets a monthly sales target of $15,000 for each salesperson. If Amy exceeds this target, she qualifies for additional bonuses or higher commission rates.

5. Cap on Earnings:

To maintain financial predictability, there's a monthly cap of $1,500 on Amy's commission earnings. Even if Amy's total commission, based on the 8% rate, exceeds $1,500, she won't earn more than that amount in a given month.

6. Decelerators and Accelerators:

The company offers an accelerator for high-performance months. If Amy achieves sales over $20,000, her commission rate increases to 10%. However, if her sales fall below $8,000, there's a decelerator, reducing her commission rate to 5%.

7. Clawback Provisions:

In the event of a client canceling a subscription within the first month, the company has a clawback provision. Amy would need to return the commission earned from that specific deal.

This consistent example highlights the dynamics of commission rates, payment frequency, qualifying sales, targets, earnings caps, accelerators, and clawback provisions within a real-world context. 

With a grasp of these key concepts, let's explore what it takes to create an effective plan from the ground up. 

🔔 Interesting Read: The Invisible Costs - Sales Commission Overpayments & Clawbacks

It highlights the dynamics of commission rates, payment frequency, qualifying sales, targets, thresholds, earnings caps, accelerators, and clawback provisions within the context of a real-world sales scenario.

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Looking to take your sales team's performance to the next level? Our library of free, ready-to-use sales compensation templates is your secret weapon. Whether you're a mid-market SaaS company seeking to optimize your land and expand strategy or a Series A startup aiming to motivate your AEs with a tiered commission plan, we've got you covered.

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  • Proven strategies for aligning sales efforts with business objectives
  • Customizable plans tailored to the unique needs of SDRs, AEs, and AMs
  • Incentive structures that drive top performance and revenue growth
  • Best practices for adapting comp plans as your company scales

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Don't settle for a one-size-fits-all approach to sales compensation. Arm yourself with the templates trusted by top-performing SaaS companies and start building custom plans that propel your team to success.

Creating an Effective Sales Commission Plan

Crafting an optimal sales commission plan requires careful consideration of several key factors.

An effective plan should

  1. Motivate sales teams: A well-designed commission structure should inspire and reward high performance, encouraging salespeople to go above and beyond in their efforts to drive revenue.
  2. Align with business goals: Your commission plan should support your company's overall objectives, such as expanding market share, launching new products, or penetrating new customer segments.
  3. Ensure financial feasibility: Strike a balance between rewarding your sales team and maintaining profitability. Consider the long-term financial impact of your commission plan and ensure it aligns with your budget.
  4. Drive customer satisfaction: Encourage sales behaviors that prioritize customer success and long-term relationships. Avoid plans that incentivize short-term gains at the expense of customer loyalty.

To create an effective sales commission plan, follow these best practices

  • Keep it simple: Ensure your plan is easy to understand and communicate. Complicated structures can lead to confusion and frustration among your sales team.
  • Set achievable targets: Establish realistic quotas and targets based on historical data, market trends, and individual performance. Unattainable goals can demotivate your team.
  • Provide frequent feedback: Regularly review and discuss performance with your sales reps. Offer coaching and support to help them improve and reach their targets.
  • Adapt to change: Regularly assess and adjust your commission plan to reflect shifts in your business, market, or team dynamics. A flexible plan ensures long-term success.
  • Celebrate success: Recognize and reward top performers publicly. Celebrating wins boosts morale and encourages healthy competition among your team.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

When designing your sales commission plan, be mindful of these common mistakes

  • Overcomplicating the structure: Convoluted plans with too many variables can be difficult to administer and understand, leading to errors and disputes.
  • Focusing solely on revenue: While revenue is important, consider other metrics like customer retention, product mix, or profit margin to drive well-rounded performance.
  • Neglecting non-sales roles: Don't forget to incentivize supporting roles, such as customer success or sales enablement, that contribute to overall sales success.
  • Failing to communicate clearly: Ensure your team fully understands the commission plan, their targets, and how their performance will be measured. Provide regular updates and training as needed.

By following these guidelines and avoiding common pitfalls, you can create a sales commission plan that effectively motivates your team, drives business growth, and ensures long-term success.

For full details on sales commissions, see this guide: All You Need to Know About Sales Commissions in 2024

In the end

An optimized sales commission plan is a true win-win - providing assurance and stability for reps while driving growth for the company. 

With an understanding of the key components covered here, you can develop plans that motivate teams, align efforts with objectives, and ultimately boost the bottom line. 

Revisit and refine your approach regularly to keep pace with evolving business needs.

Optimize Your Compensation Strategy

Struggling to manage your compensation plans? 

Visdum’s software takes the complexity out of commission calculations through

  • Automated computation of all commission plans
  • Seamlessly integrate your HubSpot or Salesforce CRM and track deals
  • Resolution of disputes and adjustments in real-time
  • Insights into plan performance and optimization areas
  • Capability to make changes and overrides on-the-fly

Schedule a demo of Visdum to optimize your sales commissions.


How do you create a sales commission plan? 

To create a sales commission plan, define the key components:

  1. Commission rate
  2. Payment frequency
  3. Qualifying sales criteria
  4. Targets and thresholds
  5. Cap on earnings
  6. Decelerators and accelerators
  7. Clawback provisions Ensure the plan motivates the sales team, aligns with business goals, and is financially feasible.

What is a good sales commission structure? 

A good sales commission structure should

  • Motivate sales teams to maximize performance
  • Align with wider business goals and growth targets
  • Be financially feasible and predictable
  • Drive customer satisfaction and loyalty The structure should be clear, trackable, and adaptable to changing business needs.

How do you write a sales commission policy? 

To write a sales commission policy

  1. Clearly define the components of the commission plan (rate, frequency, qualifying sales, etc.)
  2. Outline the terms and conditions for earning commissions
  3. Specify any caps, accelerators, decelerators, or clawback provisions
  4. Ensure the policy aligns with business objectives and is easy to understand
  5. Regularly evaluate and refine the policy to keep pace with evolving needs

What are the three sales compensation methods? 

While not explicitly mentioned in the blog post, common sales compensation methods include:

  1. Base salary plus commission: A fixed base salary supplemented by commissions on sales
  2. Commission only: Compensation entirely based on a percentage of sales made
  3. Territory volume: Compensation based on the total sales volume within an assigned territory The choice of method depends on factors such as industry, sales cycle, and company goals.

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